

Community College

Project Type

150,000 S.F.- Select Demo and New Construction of Athletic Multi-Purpose Facility, 30 Tennis Courts and Athletic Field

About The Project

Details: Mike Ansul was hired and served as the Construction Manager/Senior Project Manager for a $22 million renovation of the athletic facilities at a local community college.



The building construction work entailed select demolition of the existing gymnasium, locker room and associated support rooms. Major challenges existed, included having to remove and upgrade the existing power, sanitary and water utilities, supplying the entire campus, without disruptions, during the school year. These items ran through the existing gymnasium building, they needed to be removed and re-routed to the new mechanical room within the existing administration building through 1500′ of underground duct banks. The new building façade was a direct tie-in to the existing athletic building facade, incorporating underpinning of the existing structure while the foundation and pier work was performed in an adjacent excavation. All pier footings and associated structural steel had to be carefully surveyed to assure the existing and new sandstone facades would “marry up” upon installation.

15 acres of the undisturbed site were improved for new tracks, baseball fields and tennis courts on an engineered, terraced site to accommodate the wide elevation and slope changes. The project also included 10 acres of newly terraced parking lot areas with pickup/drop off areas in front of the new building. All of these areas had to be sculpted into the very challenging terrain that existed, rigorously controlling runoff, temporary and permanently. The work was rigidly regulated and monitored for compliance with L&I, the watershed district and soil conservation districts officials– entailing phasing of work, temporary and permanent bio-retention areas for sediment and runoff controls, all due to the close proximity of a major watershed for the headwaters of a major local bay.